Venerdì 1 marzo alle 14:00, nella Biblioteca Pagliara dell’Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa di Napoli, avrà luogo la rassegna “Capire il digitale” con il focus su “Intelligenza artificiale e One (digital) health: le frontiere della sanità digitale”. Relazionerà la prof. ssa Ilaria Amelia Caggiano, titolare della Cattedra EUGREENEXT.Si parlerà di algoritmi avanzati che possono analizzare immagini diagnostiche, migliorare lo sviluppo di nuovi farmaci supportare la decisione medica ma anche della tecnologia che offre l’opportunità di far interagire dati provenienti da diversi contesti, favorendo il paradigma One Health, come modello integrato che collega la salute umana, animale e ambientale. Verranno illustrati alcuni dei temi affrontati e analisi condotte nel progetto EUGREENEXT circa la prevenzione, la promozione di stili di vita sani, la gestione responsabile degli animali e la salvaguardia dell’ambiente.
Summer School Green markets and Sustainability in the Digital Age, which was attended by alumni and auditors, including young university researchers, lawyers and final-year law and economics subjects’ students, has ended.
The students’ final presentations can be found in the website’s database.
The papers will be presented to the a.y. 2023/2024 students of the Jean Monnet EUGREENEXT Chair.
Photos from the Summer School’s intense week of events are uploaded in the Gallery section.
Green Market and Sustainability in the Digital Age Summer School has obtained accreditation from the Naples Bar Association and The Institute of Chartered Accountants  for the recognition of professional training credits.

Jean Monnet Chair “European Green Rights:
re-shaping fundamental rights
for next generations”


About the project

The Jean Monnet Chair “European Green Rights: re-shaping fundamental rights for next generations” [EUGREENEXT] at the Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa (Department of Legal Sciences) intends to create a new label to highlight an innovative approach in European Law (EU Green Rights) with respect to health, natural environment, and welfare of living beings, to address present and next generations’ needs (sustainability).

EUGREENEXT’s objective is to re-design the contents of fundamental rights of next generations by collecting and analyzing multidisciplinary data on human health, regulation of the environment, as well as the protection of nature and animals.

EUGREENEXT deals with:

  1. The Right to Health and Sustainability
  2. The Right to Environment and Sustainability
  3. The Rights for Nature and Animals, and Sustainability
Innovative teaching
Multidisciplinary research
Civic engagement participation on common European values

Chair Holder

Ilaria Amelia Caggiano

Ilaria Amelia Caggiano

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