Academic Year


Academic Year 2021 - 2022

Focus on The Right to Health and Sustainability
  • I Part: Sources of European Green Law

– International and European principles on the protection of environment and sustainability

–  European Green Law: analysis of EU acts and policies. The new strategy of the European Green Deal and the 8th Environmental Action Programme and National Measures.

– Ethical Issues of Green Law

  • II Part: Subjects of Green Law and regulatory tools

– Climate Change

– Clean and renewable energies

– Sustainable food and agricultural innovation

  • III Part: The Right to Health and Sustainability

– Health and well-being of Europeans: health of humans and health of the environment

– The right to health through the market: the case of child obesity, rights and remedies.

– The right to health against pollution: the case of the eco-food fertility, rights and remedies.

– EU Strategy for Pandemic Emergencies: COVID-19 case study

Tutorials and exercises concerning analysis and issues on Green Law and Green Rights.

“Design of rights for eco-food and eco-fertility: markets and causal relation” (10 hours).