The Project


About the project

The Jean Monnet Chair in “European Green Rights: re-shaping fundamental rights for next generations” [EUGREENEXT] at the Università Orsola Benincasa of Naples  stimulates teachingresearch and debating activities in the crucial area of European Green rights.
An integrated approach to the relationship between human health and environment, including animals and flora has been enhanced after the issues put forward by the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic. This approach brings to the conception of new legal contents of the fundamental rights, the new circular vision of the economy, renewed consumer policy and regulation, and new systematic consideration of the relationships between all those entities.
Constitute a knowledge ecosystem linking environmental awareness, specific competences and market innovation in a cross sectorial path among university, society and industry
Construct a culture of protection and solidarity, for sustainable economic and social growth within the EU
Promote sustainable development through human rights
EU Green policies
Specific objectives


  1. offers a three-year teaching Course in European Green Rights and Sustainable development, embedded in official curricula at the Suor Orsola Benincasa University;
  2. provides advanced knowledge on European Green Rights in a multi- disciplinary approach, through lectures, seminars and workshops, as well as a summer school;
  3. proposes and consolidates multidisciplinary research on sustainability and green law issues, accompanied by the proposal of regulatory solutions;
  4. proposes debate activities and occasions for dialogue with civil society, civil servants, policy-makers, public administration, media representatives and the general public at large.

The Chair hosts roundtables, webinars and other events as an “elected venue” to learn and share about the most recent and advanced studies on the EUGREENEXT topics, thus providing a solid basis for the research, as well as a privileged forum for the set-up of best practices in the relevant domains, also supporting the EU policy-making, in the light of the strengthen of the role of the EU in a globalized world.


Given the wide range of topics regulated by European Law and rooted in life science, engineering, ethical choice, EUGREENEXT activities are charaterized by multidisciplinarity, in a law-based perspective and through the dialogue between private and public law, life science, biology, engineering, ethics functional to legal responses, in order to specify contents and protection of fundamental rights and sustainability.

More specifically, the following methodologies and techniques are applied.
Teaching: active learning techniques, with regard to case studies (flipped classrooms, simulations of cases, group work, gamification) and use of technological tools (E-learning, surveys, multimedia tools); adaptive approach; problem-solving and legal design method; critical thinking; soft skills, in order to foster knowledge and enable students with specific skills, for accelerating their job placement.
Research: a mixed methodology research approach, which uses in addition to the traditional technique of analysis of law and decisions, empirical approach, applied research, legal design.
Dissemination – debating activities: participation of academics, experts, stakeholders, civil society and practitioners in addition to the key staff.

The EUGREENEXT Project is part of the research activities  developed within the Research Centre of European Private Law (ReCEPL), at UNISOB.